pinkgatorgirl06 (pinkgatorgirl06) wrote in bad_service,


I guess this is more of a defective item rant than it is bad sevice, but then again I can't find ANYTHING on the creative site to help me, I suppose I'm overlooking a phone number or something.

I don't know about all that but what I DO know is that this $400 piece of shit creative zen hasn't worked right since the day I bought the fucking thing. The day I got it home, the wall charger wouldn't work. Ok, I thought, not a huge deal, I'll charge it on the PC. Everything has worked fine up til not too long ago, when the PC charger decided that it just doesn't want to work a majority of the time. I have to fiddle with it, jame it in there and charged it at an angle for it to take the charge, and that is mostly iffy. I've had problems installign the software since I've had the POS, I have had to install uninstall install uninstallinstalluninstallinstalluninstallinstalluninstallinstalluninstallinstalluninstallinstall uninstallinstalluninstallinstalluninstallinstalluninstallinstalluninstallinstalluninstallinstall uninstallinstalluninstallinstalluninstallinstalluninstallinstalluninstallinstalluninstallinstall uninstallinstalluninstallinstalluninstallinstalluninstallinstalluninstallinstalluninstallinstall uninstall the sfotware. Repeatedly, if you can't tell.

I'm just frustrated the a $400 mp3 player doesn't work correctly. I guess I'm just bitching. If ya'll think this should be for personal LJ use only feel free to delete it.

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