NOTHING TO SEE HERE (batman) wrote in bad_service,

Boo Chapters

I was on kind of a CSI craze last week and I ordered the season 3 DVDs from chapters/indigo online. Two minutes later, I decided "meh, I can just walk down the street to the store and buy them." (Yeah, I'm lazy. And fickle.) So I cancelled the order. Received confirmation that my order had been cancelled.

The next day, I got a shipping confirmation email. Hmm?

I sent an email to customer service asking why my cancelled order was shipped (and charged to my credit card).

The response? I'll cut out all the extra stuff, but: "we are unable to action your cancellation request" and "cancellations are only guaranteed within 50 minutes from the time orders are placed" and "we will gladly accept a return".

Surely 2 minutes is within 50 minutes, yes?
Also, the problem with returning the item: when I view the order's status on their website, it says "CANCELLED". Their website thinks that they never shipped it to me, therefore there is no option to process a return.

So I replied and asked how I should go about returning it given the circumstances.

The reply? Ahem, "we are unable to action your cancellation request" and "cancellations are only guaranteed within 50 minutes from the time orders are placed" and "we will gladly accept a return".

I understand that people are just copying and pasting stuff, but it would be nice if they would actually READ my email. I AM NOT REQUESTING A CANCELLATION, THE ORDER WAS ALREADY CANCELLED AND YOU SENT IT TO ME BY MISTAKE! Oh well.

So I wrote back, and I got a reply telling me to return it at any Chapters store. There happens to be one around the corner, so I took it there. For one reason or another, they couldn't process the return at the store, and told me to return the item online. When I explained the situation, they told me to email customer service. (CRY)

SO I replied to the lady again, and she told me that I can... either return the item online, or return it in the store, and sorry for the inconvenience. NEITHER OF THOSE THINGS HAVE WORKED, PLEASE READ WHAT I AM SAYING TO YOU.

I'll probably call them in the morning, it's just annoying how many circles you have to run in to get anything done.

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