Around 3:30 I give up my wait and decide to walk to the local store, it's about a half mile away. No big, I put on my MP3 player and jam on down. I get there all sweaty and icky, and a little dehydrated feeling. I grab my bottle of drink and pull out my ID all ready to tell him what kind of smokey treats I want. Then I see a sign that says "We ID, No Broken ID, No Expired ID, No Out of State ID".
I thought ID's that were issued by a state couldn't be refused by another state.
So I don't even try, and the man has a limite grasp of english, I just buy my drink and call it a day.
But to add insult to injury he overcharges me for my drink. I point out out that he charged me 1.05 for my 89c Drink. He starts explaing to me some complicated math involving taxes, which are only 7%, so making my drink roughly 96c if I'm not mistaken. Again I gave up and just left to trek back home in the heat smokeless and annoyed.
But Hawaiian Roller Coaster came on my MP3 player so that cheered me up.