poprockgrrl (poprockgrrl) wrote in bad_service,

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WTF does that even mean?!?!

Leave it to the US Postal service...

I was left a note in my mailbox today...

It says (btw, bad grammar is exactly as stated in the note).

"Don't Block Mail Box are you will rec. Mail Garbage Can or vehicle"

First of all, WTF?!?!

Second of all, I didn't block the mailbox with my trashcans and neither did the garbage men. They were placed the same place they have been placed since i have lived here.

Third of all, I though USPS employees had to take a civil service test and freaking pass it. No wonder mail gets lots. They can't freaking write, so they sure as hell can't read.

I'm going to complain, which will probably result in me never ever seeing my mail again.

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