camper4lyfe (camper4lyfe) wrote in bad_service,

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Sprint has some issues

I recently cut my ties with Sprint after a few years of no problems at all (surprising, I know).

I had 3 lines on my plan by the end of the contract. I transferred one line to my sister's account (she lives in NC, I'm in NY with our family) so that she could continue to call my mom for free. I ported MY line over to Verizon, and I canceled the 3rd line.

In April and May I receive statements in the mail saying that I had overpaid because I canceled in the middle of the month. They essentially stated that I would be receiving a refund after the next billing cycle.

Last Saturday I get a call from my sister to tell me that Sprint had mailed MY REFUND CHECK TO HER. The check was made out to me, and mailed to my sister in NORTH CAROLINA. This was no more than 2 days after I received a statement to MY HOUSE saying that I had a refund coming.

What the hell is their issue? I'm contemplating calling them up after I cash the check and inform them that they're a bunch of idiots.

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