Around a week and a half ago I bought a used CD off City of Angels soundtrack. 89 cents, very good condition, seller has 4.3 rating out of 5 and almost 300 transactions or customers, I dunno.
So I order it. Now, I would expect "very good condition" to maybe have 2 or 3 songs that skip once or twice.
I get CD. Invoice says "Very good condition." The cover is wrinkled from what looks like water was spilt on it. Fine with me, I already have the soundtrack, but I ordered a new one because my first copy was skipping. I just wanted the CD to work.
Said CD only had 2 songs that didn't skip. I used my SkipDoctor on it, twice. Made no difference, whatsoever.
So I emailed this people earlier this afternoon about this and I am waiting for a response.
Did I deserve this? They were obviously wrong for selling truly unacceptable items as "Very good," but I shouldn't fall for deals that seem too good to be true, duh. I've learned my lesson.
Oh, and hi
UPDATE: Someone emailed me this morning, saying they will find another copy to send me. :) Hopefully this works out.