にっきい (legomyelfboy) wrote in bad_service,

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Annoying Experience with Lens Crafters

This story was told to me on last night's shift by a supervisor.

She's dog-sitting a relative's Golden Retreiver puppy, and well when she went in to take a shower, the dog decided it would chew her glasses, so she was in need of glasses in order to be able to work and drive next week.

She went the Lens Crafters, early Saturday, and they promise in all their ads that they can fill glasses within an hour. She gets there only to find out it's specific products (they don't tell you that in the commericials), and she can get sunglasses within an hour, but not glasses, glasses take longer.

Whatever, she thinks, she's not going to pitch a fit, she'll wait. "Are you open Sunday?" She asks. They say yes. "When do you open Sunday?" 11AM. "Will you have them ready for that time?" Yes.

Alright. She goes home and comes out again Sunday.

Guess what? They're not ready. She was a bit annoyed but thought she has to do grocery shopping anyways, she'll come back. "When would they be ready?" In an hour they said.

Alright, so she returns in an hour, and guess what, they're STILL not done. Well, now of course, she's POed, she's spending $600 on a pair of glasses and they can't tell her a proper quote on time. The person said, "I'm sorry" but still. Sorry doesn't cut it, because of the time she's wasted she said she's never going back.

They weren't rude, but you shouldn't quote someone a time if you're unable to live up to it. She eventually got her glasses at 2pm (3 hours after they said they could have it ready on Sunday).

And I don't know if non-Canadians are aware of Canada's gas prices that rise and fall, they were particularly high this weekend (high 80s low 90s) so it uber sucks she had to make so many trips.

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