Manda (pale_september) wrote in bad_service,

I think that old lady at Subway hates me...

Today I got the, and please note, BABY SPINACH AND CHICKEN SALAD. She proceeded to put on lettuce first which they usually do so it didn't bother me. She then put on everything including the dressing...only no chicken. When she handed it to another employee to be bagged he asked me if that was everything.
I said, "No, I think she forgot my chicken." he then turned and asked if it was there. She looked at me and said " didn't specify" and it really pissed me off. I looked staight at her and in a smart-ass voice said, "Baby spinach....and CHICKEN salad" I know it was wrong of me, but it really made me angry that she was trying to make it my fault. After I got home I realized she didn't even put the spinach on the salad. I was so worried about getting chicken on it, I forgot about the spinach. So, she didn't put spinach on my salad, and would have forgotten the chicken if I wouldn't have noticed. I wish I knew where another Subway was. I can't part with the place.

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