Threeparts Gadding (threeparts) wrote in bad_service,
Threeparts Gadding

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Three hours after ordering, we're finally sitting down to dinner. Mm, pizza.

I understand waiting for long delivery times on friday nights. I really do. It's a busy time of the week and your drivers can't be everywhere. I don't mind waiting the hour you quoted me on the phone.

However, I do take exception at having the driver turn up an hour and forty minutes later with the wrong pizza and neither of the sides. I also object to being treated like a moron when I ring up after the driver has gone to let them know they either had the wrong address or the wrong order. Yes, I do know my own address and yes, it's the same order we've made at least monthly over the last 12+ months without any problems. Telling me that your new driver (who, I must add, was very friendly and pleasant - in direct contrast to your own attitude) is a dumbass didn't win you any brownie points, either.
Okay, sure, I can wait another 30 minutes while you remake the pizza and send it out again.
After watching another 70 minutes tick by, your driver finally shows up with, yes! The right pizza! Yes, the garlic bread! And yes!-- wait, no. The wrong drink.

I give up. Take the money. My stomach is making threatening noises and I'm not in the mood to wait another hour.

I'd say I'm taking my business elsewhere, but it's the first time something like this has happened and they really are the best pizzas in the area. Fingers crossed that it was a one off.

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