Roisin Dubh (aoibhinn) wrote in bad_service,
Roisin Dubh

Two months and no earrings

So we all know the worst bad service can happen on ebay. I've had pretty good luck with ebay so far. So I was searching for diamonds and I found a very pretty, very cheap pair of fake diamond earrings. They were from a company who sells a crapload of them, so they can afford to sell them for low low prices (plus 10 dollars for shipping, yeah it's a rip off but the earring were only 1.25).
First, there was a mix up that was my fault. I paid via paypal. In a moment of true stupidity, I accidently used an address I no longer live at. Instead of emailing them the mistake, I hit the back button during payment and changed my address. No suprise, I was charged twice. I emailed them immediately and recieved an immediate response, saying the incorrect one would be refunded. Thus ends the good service.
From here on out, I recieve at least once a day telling me I need to pay for the item, and if I recieved this notice in error, to email them. Which I did, everytime I recieved the email. Finally I recieve a confirmation that included my correct address. Problem solved, right?
Nope. A month goes by and no earrings. So I email once. No response. Email 3 days later. no response. After the third email, I recieve a stock "your email has been recieved and will be answered in blah days" response. fast forward to today, about a week and a half later.

I send this email, i'm getting testy here.

This is the FOURTH e-mail I have sent. I won an auction almost two months
ago and have not received my earrings.nor
have I heard back from your company after four emails. If I do not receive
any correspondence by the end of the week, I will
be forced to file a complaint with my bank and paypal for a refund, as well as
leave negative feedback. Really, I just want the earrings I paid for.  Please

The reply with the stock email:

Thanks for contacting the Jewelry Network. This is an automatically generated
email sent to confirm your email has been received.

Our PayPal account is currently being updated due to high demand. We are
waiting for PayPal to resolve the issue, which they claim should take about 48
hours. Anyone who has ordered before December 12th will receive their product
before Christmas, unless otherwise notified.

If you would like to exchange or replace and item, please send an email

If you paid for an item and still have not recieved it, please send an email
to nonreciept@company

If you have a question not pertaining to any of the above, please be patient
and someone will get back to you as soon as is possible. We are a little
backlogged with emails but we'll do our best to get back to you as soon as
possible. We sincerely appologize for any inconvience.

Happy Holidays,

so I email the nonreciept address.

Then I get this stock response:

Sorry for the delay. If your payment cleared less than 3 weeks ago, please be
patient and wait for the arrivial of your item(s).

If it has been more than 5 weeks and you still have not recieved your order,
please send us an email at refunds@company.

Please be sure to include your eBay User ID and Item Number(s) in question.

Sorry for the inconvience.

Since it has been more than 5 weeks, I email the refunds address, though I don't really want a refund, i want my damn earrings.
THEN, I get this automatic response

We received your email requesting a refund. Please print out this email and
fill in the following information:

Your Full Name:


Telephone Number:

Payment Method:

eBay User ID:

Item Number(s):

Item Title(s):

Date of Auction Close:

Date of Payment:

Please mail to the following address:

The Jewelry Network
8904 Reseda Blvd
Suite 202
Northridge, CA 91324

To which I reply "I don't want a refund"

Seriously, I just want the damn earrings. Why can't they have an actual human answer at least ONE of my emails?

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