lettucequeen (lettucequeen) wrote in bad_service,

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I really should be writing a paper...

During Thanksgiving break, my fiance and I went to his house for the holiday. The bad service came into play at the beginning of the vacation when the transportation service we used made us miss our flight.

Let me explain:
My fiance lives in PA and goes to school in IN. To get to PA we had to take a flight to Ohio and then another flight to a local airport. We decided to use the Lafayette shuttle service which is much cheaper than taking a taxi. We got to the pick-up place 10 minutes before the shuttle was due to arrive. It showed up 20 minutes after it was supposed to and then the driver began selling tickets. We already had a reservation but the way it works is that you pick up the ticket you already bought when the driver arrives. The driver sold too many tickets so when we got on the shuttle we found that all the seats were already occupied and the driver was still accepting other people's luggage and letting them on with us! He seemed genuinely shocked that 40+ people can't all fit in a 20 seat shuttle. So we had to wait for him to call another shuttle (which took about 30 minutes) which was just enough to seat the remaining passengers.

The driver still stopped at the other location (a hotel) on the way to the airport for no apparant reason. There was no room on the shuttle to let anyone else on, everyone on the shuttle was going to the airport (he asked) and he still tried to get people from the hotel on with us! When we finally got to the airport we were told that our tickets to Ohio had been sold so we had to get on the next flight which was two hours later thus making us miss our final flight. Since there is only one flight per day to the airport in PA that we were going to from that airport we had to get a hotel room which cost us money. Fortunately my fiance has travel insurance so that was covered but he still missed a day with his family which he's not going to get back since he's not going home for winter break. WTF Lafayette Shuttle?

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