にっきい (legomyelfboy) wrote in bad_service,

Walked into a clothing store recently, and two (the only two) sales associates were gabbing it up in the front of the store, laughing. The short, older one, stops, gives me the dirtiest look, I mean, it would make milk curdle in an instant and says, "Hello." I look at her and pleasantly return her Hello, and she goes back to smiling and laughing with the other lady who didn't even look at me the entire time. I wander in the back for a good ten to fifteen minutes and noone stopped by to ask if there was anything they could help me with today (standard for this store).... There was noone working in the back, putting stuff away, they were the only two people.

Now, had I wanted to find the skirts section bad enough I could've walked to the front and asked them where it was, but I thought obviously they don't want the commission if they believe gabbing away at the front of the store is seomthing more important than checking in on customers. There were a few customers roaming aimlessly in the back of the store as well. I shrugged it off as two idiots who couldn't be bothered and left the store.

Not to mention, wtf was up with the cut eye you old hag? Geez. Sure fire way to send customers running the opposite way.

Even my friend who works at the same store, another location agreed that they must have something wrong with their heads. She said she's been receiving complaints about that store though all year round, customers saying it's the one store they hate going to, it has horrible service and rotten staff. After that experience, I can't help but agree. Geez.

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