Isaac (ghotighued) wrote in bad_service,

There is a wonderful magazine out there called Communication Arts for all those involved in the design, multimedia, illustration and photography industries. Regrettedly, I am most likely going to boycott them, and recommend that anyone else who subscribes to them do the same if this issue isnot resolved in the next week. All I wanted to do is change my regular rate subscription to the student rate (about $20 cheaper a year). My subscription expires with the soon to be released November issue.

Under the cut you will find a series of emails (if'n yer intrigued) to the subscriptions department of this particular publication, in order of most recent. The first is the irate letter sent this morning. It's long, I know. That's why it's behind the cut. Thanks for giving it some attention.

To Whom It May Concern:

NOTE: I send this email with full intent that it be read by a supervisor in the Subscriptions or Customer Service Departments.

I am highly disappointed at the efficiency of your subscriptions department. I sent an email (attached below) in mid-August inquiring about changing my subscription from regular rate to student rate. I received a prompt reply (also attached below), and followed the instructions given.

On 9/06/05, I sent a fax with the required information -- including my credit card info -- to the given fax number. I received no response, nor was there any activity on my credit account, for over 30 days. At this point, I sent another email to customer service, requesting confirmation that the information had been received and that it would be processed. Again, I got a timely reply (attached), but a confirmation was not given. Instead, I was advised to resend all the appropriate information to the same fax number and was promised an immediate response.

I did so on 10/07/05, but I omitted my credit card information in what I felt to be a prudent measure towards insuring my own security. Instead, I provided my phone number and requested that a representative call me to obtain said information. The immediate response that I expected (within one or two business days) did not come, as I have still not heard from any contact at Communication Arts.

I send this email requesting that immediate attention be brought to my attempts to renew my subscription. I am very frustrated with your subscription renewal process and with the level of superficial service provided by your customer service department.

I love your publication. I look forward to reading it each time it shows up in my mailbox. I am a graphic design student eager to learn the tools and tricks of the trade and feast upon the visual beauty that is found in your magazine. When I first received the subscription as a gift, I was so pleased with the content and design of the magazine that I planned to continue my subscription well beyond my schooling. Unfortunately, I am not willing to support an enterprise who cannot competently provide for its consumers.

It pains me to know that my original fax, including my credit card info, could still be floating around somewhere in your office or in a garbage can for someone to take advantage of. I have lost faith in your ability to keep such personal information secure. I received confirmation from my own fax machine that both faxes were transmitted successfully. Attempts to locate a phone number for your subscriptions department have been fruitless. Perhaps this ordeal is a fluke in the system and it was an honest mistake. If such is the case, I will gladly renew my subscription and continue enjoying your magazine if this issue is resolved within a timely fashion. I regret that such action be necessary, but if this matter is not addressed, I will be forced to discontinue my subscription until such faith is restored in your company.

I would advise that a representative contact me by phone. My cell phone number is [cell phone number] and I am available generally all day long except while I am in class.

Thank you for your immediate attention.

Isaac [lastname]
[insert address here]

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 7:47 AM
To: [my email address]
Subject: RE: RENEWAL

Dear Subscriber,

Thank you for your interest.

When contacting us in the future, please fax again to us your complete name,
address,your student ID information, desired term, along with your original request/concern.

Our fax number is 902-563-4807.

If a name/address change is necessary, please provide both the old and the new name/address.

Your reply will receive our immediate attention.

Customer Service

Original message:

To whom it may concern:

I faxed in the required information on 9/06/05 at 13:59 PST (according to my
fax records), and have yet to receive any confirmation or any transaction on
my account. Can you please verify that the information was received?

Thank you,

Isaac [lastname]

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 8:08 AM
To: [my email address]
Subject: RE: RENEWAL

Dear Subscriber,

In regards to your inquiry.

Please fax the payment with your student ID number and request to renew at
the student rate to: 1-902-563-4807.

Thank you for subscribing and we hope you enjoy every issue.


Customer Service

Original message:


I am currently subscribed to CA and my subscription is nearing its end. I
would like to renew my subcription, but I am now a Graphic Design student
and would like to receive the student rates instead of the regular fee. Is
there an easy way to change my subscription status when I renew? Or should I
just sign up for a new subscription at the student rate? Thank you for your

Isaac [lastname]
[insert address here]

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