Carrie (carrilla) wrote in bad_service,

Fedex Sucks...sometimes

first off, my fedex guy HATES me.

He starts his day in my neck of the woods at 8 am. I don't open until 11am. They load his truck with my boxes last since (for some reason) I get more boxes than any business on his route. This is a HUGE inconvenience to him since he has to shuffle my boxes around if he can't get them to me first. He admitted to me that I "screw up his day because usually he gets off early and can go home". How is this my fault?!?

So, one time he got my HOME phone number and woke me up at 8am to tell me he was bringing boxes in on a day that we are CLOSED (and this is posted on the door). I asked him how did he get this number?!?! He mumbled something about his cousin works for the company who the boxes are from! Isn't that illegal or at least morally wrong?

I complained to fedex, he hates me even more.

He delivered 25 large boxes to my neighbor, blocking their entrance. They had this tower of boxes for 2 1/2 hours. It took me 30 minutes to dolly them up and down the street.

I complained to fedex, he hates me even more.

If we get a large shipment he always forgets one box. How is it always the box I need the most? Well, yesterday he sent this box back to sender... it's in texas currently, they are trying to get it back to me.

I complained to fedex, I best watch my back from now on.

Pick UPS, much friendlier on the phone, online and in-person... and our UPS guy ain't hard on the eyes either ;)

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