bitter_suite24 (bitter_suite24) wrote in bad_service,

Zero Service

This happened about a year ago. I was meeting a friend of mine at a mall, and she called to say she had a minor emergency to take care of, and she'd be late. Since this was the one time I didn't have a book in my purse I wandered around the mall while waiting. I wandered into a Macy's and glanced at the clothes. I like Macy's, but I generally find them too pricey. This time though I found a couple things I liked that didn't seem too expensive. I wanted to try them on. (As a side note, I know some people buy things without trying them on, but I like to see how clothing looks on me before I buy it. I also live in the middle of nowhere, and most stores are about an hour away at least. It would be a hassle to return anything that didn't fit.) Anyway, I headed towards what I thought was a fitting room, but turned out to be a backroom/storage type area. No big deal. I walk around some more looking for a fitting room. When I don't see any after a couple minutes I head for the registers to ask an employee where the fitting rooms are. But there's no one at the registers. I spent the next 15 minutes walking around searching for an employee or a fitting room. I found neither. I finally put the clothes back where I got them and left. Now, I didn't canvass the entire store, nor did I go down to the lower floor. Maybe they just don't have many fitting rooms. But I should have to look everywhere to find an employee. There was no one (that I could find anyway) in the department I was looking in or in the neighboring department.

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