Kris (walkin_behind) wrote in bad_service,

MBTA troubles

I take the train to work everyday, and have been doing so since September. Now that I'm working two jobs, I come into this particular station about twice everyday. This same token collector gave me attitude back in September when I asked her where to purchase monthly subway passes, but since I have a pass now I never have to go through her line to buy a token.

Anyway, I was taking my 12 year old sister to work with me yesterday (I'm a nanny, and we were headed to the Children's Museum in Boston)and we were already about 5 minutes late because I had to pick her up after getting out of work at my morning job. I handed my sister my subway pass so she wouldn't have to wait in line, and I went through the line and bought a token. She slid the pass through and I put my token in the slot, but the turnstile wouldn't open for either of us. So, I tried the pass, and when it didn't work for me, I went to go tell the token collector. She just waved me through, but left my little sister standing on the other side. I then tried to lean over and explain to her, but all she said was "Only one person can get through with a subway pass!" So I patiently tried to explain that I used a token and gave my sister the pass, but she accused me of lying. I said again that I'd just been through the line and bought a token from her, but we were unable to get through, and would she please let my sister through. She not only refused, but she put her hand up to say "Stop talking and go away."

What could I do? I couldn't leave my sister there, and I really had to get to work. But we had to get back on the train later and I didn't have anymore one dollar bills, so I really couldn't pay twice. I raised my voice this time as my sister stood helplessly on the other side of the turnstiles, but she told me that since I was yelling at her I needed to get out of her train station. I told her, "Well, you wouldn't listen to me when I was trying to explain it to you!" In the end though, she continued to ignore me so I was forced to pay twice. Everyone was staring at us, but mainly at her. They couldn't believe the way she'd treated us. When I finally got on the train, the wonderful driver gave me the number to the MBTA complaint line, which I called. I really hope she lost her job for it, but I doubt it. I can't believe she treated us that way.

So, beware. If you happen to be taking Copley's Green Line (I believe it's Outbound...going out toward Riverside, Heath Street or Cleveland Circle...), watch out for the token collector. She's always on around 1:30 PM.

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