Kalevi (coranglaisman) wrote in bad_service,

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Minor but still super irritating

So I went out with a group of friends (large enough that most other places would have charged us a gratuity, but definitely less than 16 people) to a local alehouse because every Monday they offer a special on wings, and that sounded like just the right thing for tonight. I ordinarily enjoy coming here because the food and the beer are very good, and the service is usually excellent.

But tonight, we got a different server than we usually do. No problem, we'd seen her there before. (I should note that three of us arrived around the same time and perhaps 5 minutes later than everyone else had.) She had already taken drink orders (and apparently food orders, as I saw later) for everyone else and was working on bringing out drinks, and then took our drink orders. And since we hadn't come much later than everyone else had gotten there, I assumed that she'd be back to take our food orders when she brought our drinks.

After what felt like an eternity because I was waiting for her to come back and take food orders, she comes back with the wings that everyone else had apparently already ordered. I was confused, and she ran off before I could order what I wanted. It took about another 5-7 minutes before one of my friends (who arrived with me and also needed to order) and I could finally catch her attention. I told her that she forgot to take my order, and she didn't apologize at all, but she took our orders.

I figured paying and leaving would take a while because of how many of us there were, but I was among the (small) second round of payments, and it took a very long time for her to finish processing our payments and to come back for everyone else who still needed to pay. And the restaurant wasn't exactly busy at that time.

Overall, I'm just disappointed because I've never had such a dismissive server from this place before. The main thing that bothered me was when she didn't apologize for not taking our orders...I know we all make mistakes sometimes and I don't mind, but I greatly appreciate when people own up to their mistakes and do what they can (and perhaps more) to make it right. I hope things will be better next time I go back there.

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