My dad has been complaining of chest pains for a while, so finally my mom convinced him to look past his fear of doctors and drove him to the hospital. There they took X-Rays, and upon looking at them, the ER doctor there announced, "You have lung cancer. It's inoperable." Basically, he told my dad he was going to die.
They scheduled an endoscopy, and my parents went home for the night. You can imagine how upset they were.
The next day, when they went in for the endoscopy, a specialist comes over to my dad and tells him the lump that they saw on the x-ray is not in his lungs at all, but just under his chest plate and very close to the surface. It may not even be cancer and it's entirely operable with a 92% success rate.
Thank god for the specialist, but I'd like to know what the hell the ER doctor was thinking.
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