Maggie (indigo_flow) wrote in bad_service,

I hate Rogers

So I'm in the middle of this fight with Rogers, who I know are notorious for horrible customer service. I'm writing this in hopes that anyone might have some advice.

On January 5, I went to Rogers to see about upgrading my cellphone. I've had the same phone for about 2.5 years, since I began my 3 year contract. I have about 6 months in the contract left to go (it ends the beginning of July).

When I went in, I was told that I was eligible for a new phone, and a $50 rebate on whichever phone I chose. The clerk said all I had to do was pick out a new phone, and pay the difference after the rebate. After looking around, I found a decent phone that would be $9.99 after the rebate. Now, you don't have to pay outright for the phone, instead they just put in on your bill. The clerk said that they would but the $59.99 on my bill, and send away for the rebate, which I said was fine. She then said "OK so thats $59.99 on your bill now, plus the $35.00 upgrade fee". This was the first I had heard about the $35.00 fee. When I asked what she meant she was pretty casually like "oh yeah, theres a $35.00 fee". Now, it makes sense that there's a fee, but she told me in the beginning all I would have to pay was for the phone, so I was a little....hesitant because she had neglected to mention this extra fee. This isn't the suck, although later on I'll reflect on the foreshadowing of this moment.

So, I ignored my intuition and kept going with the sale. She printed me a copy of my contract and said "OK so this is a copy of your old contract, just updated with the information about the new phone". I said something like "So this is my contract from before...just with the phones changed on it" and she said "yes".

Yesterday, I got a call from the Rogers welcome service. They call when you get a new phone to make sure its working alright and to just clarify your contact info, and your plan and contract. The guy on the phone was talking and he mentioned my "new 3 year contract" that I had signed when I got my new phone. WHAT?!

Apparently, when you upgrade your phone, it also means extending your contract. Since I don't work at Rogers and don't know these things, I kind of expected, you know, that they would have MENTIONED it when I signed my contract, instead of telling me I was signing a copy of my old contract.

I called customer service and went into the store but they are giving me the run around. They all seem to agree that I should be able to cancel the contract, but no one will do it. The store says they aren't authorized to cancel my plan, customer services says that they can't do it on the phone because I bought the phone in store.

Soooo....any advice? If I had gotten the call from Rogers 2 days earlier I would be able to take it back hassle free, but now I'm outside the 15 day grace period. And before people say "well why didn't you read the contract": because I was told it was my old contract, which I've already read and understand. Gah.
Tags: didn't read the box/sign/instructions

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