sokmunkie (sokmunkie) wrote in bad_service,

Dear staff at *Children's Farm*:

I know it's hot and the animals are smelly, but could you stop texting for one second to acknowledge me so I can order some bottled water? Your fellow staff in the other areas weren't all that great either. It would be nice if someone would actually talk to me when I request something. When I walk up to your window to buy goat's milk to feed to the baby goats, don't just stare at me and then open the cooler, slamming down the bottle before I give you my money.

Hey, it's great that you provide hand-washing stations for those of us who don't want to walk around with animal saliva on our hands after we take advantage of the feeding stations. But wouldn't it be nice to not have the soap dispensers empty? Luckily I had some wipes in my bag.
Tags: "greatest" cashier evar!, ^wtf, are the sheep looking?, you don't *always* gotta speak up

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