The only thing I'm involved with is being awesome (derbysinner) wrote in bad_service,
The only thing I'm involved with is being awesome

short mod note...

not that I'm a short mod, I'm 5'10... I don't know how tall the other mods are. How about - Brief Note From a Mod?

Aaaaaaanyway - we seem to be getting a few more posts these days and wouldn't it be neat if they were being tagged in an expeditious manner?

Of course it would!


Who wants to be a tagger? It's super easy and super fun! comment here or send me a pm, k?

(In recent months, we've had to reduce the size of the tagging group due to some people abusing the privilege, buuuuuuut, I'm we're all adults here and can behave as such, right?) (oh, and if you're known for consistently picking fights in the comm or leaving jerk-tacular comments, you might not be at the top of the list)

EDIT: just so we're clear - tagging with a sense of humor is fine, encouraged even usually, but on the odd occasion when someone posts something of a more sensitive nature, that kind of thing needs to be respected and not mocked.
Tags: also try, are the sheep looking?, beaaaan! beeaaannnnnn!!!!, bizzaro, can you guys fucking play nice for once?, can you hear me now?, chiggidy check yo-self, community of unwashed illiterates, community toothbrush, cool story bro!, enya is hardcore 4 realz, follow-up, fyi: tags =/= wank, get the emp: tagbots en route!, helpful comments, just here for the tags, maybe they were zombies, mod, mod having too much fun with tags, mod mock mod mock!, my boo is fly lol, my new hobby? tagging, not as as if you bought nickelback, see what happens when you speak up, tagger tags with love, this entry 100% psycho clerk free!, this post's topicality is off, totally not about rats, wtf service or wtf post?, you get the tags you deserve

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