Her response? "You're kidding, right?" When my husband explains that he's not kidding, that he really wants them installed, she told him it's easy, he could do it himself. Ummm... yeah.. no. He's dressed for work, the Jeep is filthy from the salt and the slush and it's HER JOB.
Then she says "You're just trying to prove a point, aren't you?" My husband said "Yes, if the point is that someone should do the job they advertise."
Her response this time? "I bet you wouldn't ask if I were a guy."
Sorry, chicky. Equal pay for equal work is something we've fought for for a very long time. And still fight for. Your ability to do a job has nothing to do with your gender. If you want to play the 'girls don't do manual labor' game, don't work in an auto parts store.
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