Atropos (atropos_lee) wrote in bad_service,

WTF - Size Related Service Suck

This happened a few years ago.  I used to work in an office in a chi-chi little street of one off designer shops - mostly stuff I knew I would never be able to fit into, even if I could afford it.

One lunch time, with nothing better to do, I wandered into the specialist clothes next door shop.  They had some smart ankle
length coats in the window that I really thought might suit me.

The shop was empty - except for two rather twitchy saleswomen, both much older than me.

They both hovered around me, asked me what I was looking for - then said, quite clearly, that they didn't have anything in the shop that was my size and that I might want to leave.

So I did.

The kicker?

It was a plus-size boutique, specialising in size 16-24 - and clearly chubby little size 16 me wasn't quite chubby enough for them.

Seriously - this is the only time any sales person has ever given me grief for my size or appearance.

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