At the time, I was working a job canvassing in Iowa. I worked in evenings, going door-to-door and asking people questions about stuff. At the time as well, Iowa was having the 500 Year Flood. Houses being swept away, the whole deal. There are still, to this day, towns that aren't completely rebuilt/recovered. It was also pretty big news. I was getting calls from family/friends in Arizona, Texas, and California making sure I was out of the floodpaths (my house was, my route was not... pretty sad stuff).
I also got a new bank account at Wells Fargo, hereafter referred to as bank. One thing WF bank does is ask when you like receive calls. I put "mornings". (This is important later)
I'm out canvassing and a HUGE storm hits. We get the radio call to come in immediately, so I rush back to headquarters, and we're hunkering in the basement awaiting orders from the boss as the thunder crashes outside and the sirens go off.
Suddenly, my phone rings, and I stupidly answer it. It's a call from my bank (calling me in the evening? Buh?), apparently I've overdrawn (this turned out to be true, but that's not the suck).
In script format:
Bank=Bank guy
Me: Uh... hello?
Bank: Hi, I'm Bank from you Bank, and unfortunately, you have overdrawn fees of XXX amount.
Me: Uh... what? No, I don't. I don't think I do. Um, I'll go in tomorrow, I have to go. I'm at work in Iowa, and there's a storm.
Bank: Uh-huh. (Really doubtfully, I have no idea what part he thought I was lying about) Well, we can work this out right now... if you just give me your...
Me: I'm not giving you anything over the phone. I'll go into Bank tomorrow, right now I'm at work in Iowa and we're flooding.
Bank: If you'll just give me your...
Bank: Look, do you even have the money to pay for this?
Me: *click*
I swear he actually asked me that last question is exactly those words.
I've had a bunch of other problems with Wells Fargo. I've since switched banks to my local credit union, who has never called me at work, in the middle of a storm, and been rude.