Sahra (peri_daemon) wrote in bad_service,

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Suscom = Suckscom

Monday: lost cable modem service due to migration of systems from RCN.
Tuesday: Still no internet. Can't even connect to complete migration. Called Suscom. Waited in queue for one hour exactly. Spoke to a representative for 52 minutes only to have him conclude it was a problem with my hardware.
Wednesday: Technician comes at 10am. Finishes migrating the system. Leaves. I come home from work, internet still doesn't work. I call, wait in queue (after getting a busy signal for an hour) for 40 minutes. Spoke with a customer service rep for 12 minutes. They send another technician out.
Thursday: I wait for the technician who is supposed to arrive between 10am-2pm. 1:30, Suscom calls to tell me the technician will be here "a little after 3". I go to work, my brother stays home to greet the guy. He just never shows up. My mother called Suscom. Apparently a technician did show up, but he didn't think he had to come inside. He just checked the wires outside and left.
Friday: They send another technician out. They finally fix the connection problem.

I have a 10 page research paper that is due tomorrow.

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