mandalf0688 (mandalf0688) wrote in bad_service,

Another horrible blood work story. Don't read if you don't like needles/blood.

Reading the previous entry about the shoddy blood work done in the ambulance that resulted in a burst vein reminded me of my very own bad service.

For some reason, throughout my lifetime (short tho it may I am only 20) my doctors have seemed to fancy taking my blood. A LOT.

Anywho, as a kid I HATED needles. I still hate them, but at least I don't scream and squirm and cry like I used to. When I was about 7 or so, my pediatrician sent me to get blood work done (I'm pretty sure I'd had a tick on me and they wanted to make sure I didn't have lyme). mother takes me to the hospital to get my blood drawn. Now, I'm scared to death as it is because I know that at any moment I'd have a needle shoved into my arm. So, I get taken into the room and the lady tells me to sit down. She never once explains what she's about to do, never tells me to relax, (which is a nice thing to do for an obviously scared child). No smile.... just YANK!, forcefully (more force than needed for a 7 year old's tiny arm (and i was a tiny 7 y.o.)) ties the elastic around my arm and BOOM shoves the needle into my arm. I start to cry a bit. She then takes the needle out of my arm and tells me I "need to stop moving around so much because she missed my vein."

She shoves the needle in again...and MISSES AGAIN!. Now I've really started to cry. I'm trying to hold still, but at the same time pull my arm away from this woman who is hurting me. She tells me again to "stay still" and takes the needle out, aiming for the vein again. She misses again and complains to my mom that I am moving to much and that she can't find my vein and I needed to be restrained.

My mom looks to her (getting very pissed off now) and asks her to get another person. The woman gets VERY huffy (my mother told me this part of the conversation because I didn't remember it as I was sobbing by now.) The nurse tells my mom she'll find the vein and stabs my arm again...and again...and AGAIN! By now I've been stabbed about 6 times now. Each time my mom telling her to stop, to try the other arm, and to just plain stop. The nurse told her she wouldn't try another arm because she's already started on this one and it would be pointless to hurt my other arm since "this was already hurting SO much." ( was said snotty). My mother's temper has been rising, my arm has continued to bleed and bruise and the nurse was about to stab me again and my mom snatches the nurse's arm, pulling it away from me, and tells her "to get someone who knows what the f*ck they are doing now or she'd shove the needle up her ass." The woman huffs, and storms off. I'm sitting there crying and my mom told me that I needed to get the blood work done to make sure I wasn't sick and that if they couldn't find the vein this time we would leave and come back another day. (and of course the promise of a happy meal helped ^_~)

(And here's where it gets better) So I calm down slightly and in comes a young male nurse. He smiles to me and asks me if I am okay. Of course I say no. He pats my shoulder and tells me that he's going to do this only once, get it right and it won't hurt. So, he hands me a lollipop off their lollipop tree (for kids and diabetics...and people scared of needles lol) cleans off my bloody arm and, with a bit more pain (no where near as bad as before) he's done. He apologizes profusely for the other woman and says she will be reported, cleans my arm off and sends me on my way with another lolli. And of course EVERYONE in the waiting room had heard me screaming the entire time my arm had been getting stabbed so they were all staring at me.

Oh...and the worst part? I ended up with a VERY large bruise...and all that pain...FOR NO LYME!
tl;dr = Needed blood work when I was 7. First nurse stabbed the heck out of my arm claiming she couldn't find the vein. Mother threatened her for making my arm bleed and me scream with her multiple attempts to take my blood. New male nurse came in and found vein on his first try. All in all, HORRIBLE service until the nice nurse came along. NEVER went there again.

Tags: *medical/pharmacy, first do no harm?

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