So I requested quotes from several local companies and left contact information. They also ask you what's your preferred method of contact and time to contact. I put Email/Afternoons so that I don't have too much conflict with this at work.
To the person who called at 6am yesterday morning: That's right. I ignored your call all three times, and when you finally left a message, I deleted it because that was far too annoying to be dealt with that early in the am (they were also wayyy over priced).
To the person who called at 10pm: Thanks for calling from a blocked number, asking I call you back, and not leaving a call back number. Ur new, rite?
Then there was this much wrong with this but it's entertaining on a Tuesday afternoon. (Copy pasted from my hotmail inbox)
Dear (I have no idea what your name is),
We would like to help you set up a move with us for (the date of their move: whatever the customer put in the 'move date' box). Please give me a call at the office, or at home, or on my cell or give me an email so I know what to do.
I work from 8am to 4:30pm, but I take lunch around 12, sometimes 12:30. Usually I'm back to my desk around 1, 1:15 or 2. Unless I eat late, in which case you'll still get my voice mail. I will actually be at the office around 7am tomorrow because I'm leaving early for a doctor's appointment so please feel free to call me earlier if you need to. I have a meeting around 10am and will not be at my desk so you'll need to leave a message.
Regards, Judy
Also, if you're calling someone to give them a quote, please please please for the love of Pete, his brother Bob and their cousin Joe, call them by the name they put on the request. My name is not Paul, Jordan, Eric or Steve. It is actually Cate. KTHX.