Chibi Drunk Sanzo (chibidrunksanzo) wrote in bad_service,
Chibi Drunk Sanzo


Remembered suck. Now I find it amusing, but at the time I was rather upset and mad.

A few years back, when Arby's introduced their all-natural chicken, our local store sent out some coupons for any item (of equal or lesser value) free with the purchase of any chicken meal.

With a hankering for chicken tenders and a beef 'n cheedar sandwich, my roommate and I went down there. She wanted two chicken things, so she got her stuff no problem. I went up, ordered my stuff, and handed over the coupon.

Cashier: Oh, this is just for chicken.
Me: *friendly smiles* No it's not, it says any item. *points*
Cashier: *looks a little lost and overwhelmed* Um... hold on... *looks over at the manager*
Manager: *comes over* That's just for chicken.
Me: *not smilng now* The coupon doesn't say anything about that.
Manager: Well, it's just for chicken.
Me: But it says right there, any item with a chicken meal, not any chicken item.
Manager: I don't know why it says that*, it's just for chicken. Would you like something chicken?
Me: No, thank you. I don't want anything now.

At that point I was tearing up in anger and frustration, but I held it back. It was late (around 10), I was tired, and I had been looking forward to this. I was a poor college student who was splurging a little. I didn't want two chicken things, and the coupon said any item. There was no sign in the store about it being only chicken, either, and it was the last day of the coupon so I couldn't just go in the next day.

Luckily, one of my friends (who lived the next apartment over) worked at that location. That's how we got the coupons in the first place. Just in case I was wrong I went over and asked her about it. She said, no, the coupon was for any item, just like it said. She got the details about which manager it was from me and complained on my behalf to the general manager. I ended up with a free meal of my choice, which was really nice. Mostly I just wanted someone to be aware of the manager not knowing what was going on. Turns out she had already given her two weeks notice anyway, so I didn't even have to deal with her again. Double bonus.

*That line I remember verbatim. She seriously said that.

Addendum: Sorry about the fail paragraph. I wasn't trying to get attention or pity, just randomly remembered the story the other day and wasn't thinking when I threw in the bit about tearing up. It was a total overreaction, and I knew it then, too. To revel in my fail, head over to c_suck_snark for a good snark fest. (I'd just edit the paragraph out, but that usually results in more snark, and I don't think my delicate sensibilities can take that. *fans self* ^_~)
Tags: *fast food, customers shouldn't get what they want, i don't know why it says that

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