I recently got introduced to the band My Chemical Romance. I liked them enough that I figured that I'd buy their physical cds since I like hardcopy.
I popped into my nearest music store. The store had a divider for the band but the cds in it were for Black Flag. Not being pressed for time I looked around until I finally found the cds I wanted instead of tracking down a clerk. The cds were, rather inexplicably, tucked behind Enya who was filed under "rock".
The bad service started when I went up to pay for them. The guy at the counter looked to be in his late twenties/early thirties. I handed him my cds and mentioned the odd filing. He looked at me for a long moment, rather like one looks at particularly dull animal, and explained "that's so people get real music."
"I didn't realize there was fake music."
He gave a world weary sigh, as though existence itself was saddened by my lack of knowledge, and informed me that this was the sort of vapid music that spoilt thirteen year olds listened to for "an edge" and that it was nothing but "poor me" whining. I really wish I could recreate his finger quotes.
I paid for the cds and his parting words were that it was a shame I was wasting money on music for a pre-teen death cult when I could be supporting true artists.
Edit: I don't know if it's relevant but I'm in my late twenties.
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