Andrea (allywonderland) wrote in bad_service,

Rude cashier

Dear Cashier at the local supermarket,

Yes, I have tubing hanging out of my arm. It's called a PICC line. It's so that I can get IV hydration and medication for extreme morning sickness. It is not bloody. It is sterile.
Please, do not:
A. Call your manager and say you have to have them ring me out because I am "TOO GROSS FOR WORDS."
B. Yell that you think I'm going to bleed all over your floor.
D. Start making gagging puking noises as I frantically try to find my sweater to cover my stupid arm. Gagging noises trigger me to gag, gagging triggers me to puke. I really don't want to puke in your store.

I had one thing. You could have had me rung out in 20 seconds if you hadn't put on such a damn show.

Thanks for making me feel like a leper,
The girl who can't help her condition.

ETA: Yes, I WILL be calling Monday when the store manager is in; bad news for the cashier, I've worked with that store manager for YEARS doing non-profit stuff. I would have stayed and complained but at that point my anxiety started kicking in and I wanted to RUN AWAY!!!

On the cute side, when my 2 year old saw my PICC she brought me one of her baby legs and told me I needed "arm sock for owie" because I put baby legs on her arms sometimes to keep her from picking at scratches. =D
Tags: *grocer

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