I was shopping with a friend and we decided to head into a small shop, which I'll call HC. The male employee shall be known as Guy. It was one of those shops that sold fantasy ornaments, band t-shirts and ornamental swords, etcetc. I had been to this shop a few times and never had any trouble before now.
After browsing through the shirts, I found one I liked and looked around for a price. I couldn't see one so approached Guy at the counter, who was talking to someone, excused myself and asked him the price of the shirt. He told me the price, I thanked him and returned to the rack to browse a bit longer. Guy returned to talking to his friend.
I finally decided to buy the shirt I'd picked out earlier and went back to the counter. Only Guy was at the counter when I came up and placed the shirt on the counter, saying I'd like to buy it. I had my money ready to hand to him and as I did, he said, "Do you want me to get you a bigger size?."
Erm, excuse me? Now, I'm no supermodel, a little on the chubby side. Plus, I know what size I take, thank you very much, having bought a shirt from the same store in the EXACT same size, only a few days beforehand. Besides, if I wanted a bigger size, I'd have picked it out myself. Not hard to do.
I didn't say anything at the time just smiled and finished paying, then left the store as quickly as I could. Now I kick myself for not saying anything or at least complaining.
He may have been joking but it still made me feel like crap for the rest of the day. No one appreciates jokes about their weight made by complete strangers.
(Yessir, I can be very sensitive)
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