Ashlie (iluvikarishinji) wrote in bad_service,

I ordered this camera from on Dec. 23rd.

So, I call them up today and ask if my order has shipped yet.

Guy: Uhhh I'll check uhm would you like to buy a 2 hour or 4 hour battery for that? The Canon only has a 20 minute battery!
Me: If that costs extra, no...I can't afford it right now....sorry...
Guy: Uhhh well we have the 2 hour one on special for $29.99 it's normally $69.99
Me: I just want to know if it has shipped yet.
Guy: Wow, are you SURE? It'll be a lot more expensive later on...
Me: Yes, I am sure. Please just tell me if my order has shipped or not.
Guy: It's in you want to buy the software and cables too?
Me: What? It doesn't come with all that?
Guy: No...
Me: ....Okay, I'd like to cancel my order. I was under the impression by your site that----
Guy: *interrupts* Fine, fine! I'LL CANCEL IT! You don't have to give me the whole spiel.
Me: ...o_O Okay...thanks, bye.


They'd damn well better cancel it. I just ordered it off (what I should've done in the FIRST place) for $287.50 with free shipping and no tax...a few dollars less than going through these idiots. Gahhhhhhhhh. >_<

EDIT: I found this site with customer reviews of They are NOT good...I think I'll find out how to report them to a BBB.

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