My friend is at Stop & Shop buying a few items. She picks out her items, and goes to checkout. She swipes her debit card, and enters her PIN and the machine won't take the PIN. She tries again, and once again it doesn't work. She is estranged from her mother, but they have a joint checking account (she is 20, and is considered a dependent of her mother in NYS). Her mother must have changed the PIN, right? She goes to leave, and is accosted by two security guards. They lead her to the back of the store, take down her information, take her mother's information, and she has to name where she got everything in her bag from. At no point in time did she try to steal anything, but they tried to charge her with shoplifting. She was banned from the store for life, and if she comes in again they'll call the police and have her arrested.
Was this legal? Or were they bored and just messing around with her?
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