- 1st
- 06:58 pm rightsaidred Bad service from David's Bridal. Surprise, surprise. - 289 comments
- 11:19 pm badisgood85 Screw you, local hospital. - 44 comments
- 2nd
- 12:00 pm badisgood85 Update on the hospital suck from yesterday - 18 comments
- 01:46 pm kuraishinu Bad Service at IHOP - 18 comments
- 03:39 pm brickfly (no subject) - 42 comments
- 05:32 pm lingail140 Another IHOP Suck Story - 88 comments
- 3rd
- 12:02 am squigglz Passive-aggressive service at Red Robin - 21 comments
- 12:31 pm vikytickytembo (no subject) - 35 comments
- 01:44 pm usagiweaver "Your car warranty has expired..." - 78 comments
- 06:54 pm aeolian_harp No service at all - 17 comments
- 4th
- 02:07 am herloved_beauty Mild annoying b_s. - 15 comments
- 10:47 am treyvana Where, praytell, are my cookies? - 61 comments
- 06:57 pm ya_damn_skippy The $41.65 Charge I Did NOT Make!!!!!! - 171 comments
- 5th
- 03:23 am dreadpiratekurt Yet Another Surprise Bank Charge Story - 9 comments
- 09:36 pm gloriatrillo school system annoyingness - 37 comments
- 6th
- 09:57 pm komikbookgeek Remembered bad service - 79 comments
- 11:56 pm emmeileia Damn Mechanics - 12 comments
- 7th
- 06:43 pm mapdark Drive-in WTF - 101 comments
- 09:06 pm so_pseudogoth Let me preface this by saying that I am NOT embellishing any of this. - 58 comments
- 09:42 pm mindiloohoo Pizza is NOT for "Me" - 43 comments
- 09:42 pm allywonderland Rude cashier - 54 comments
- 10:57 pm theaftercath Rude Restaurant Service - 6 comments
- 8th
- 01:57 pm lorelei633 I'm doing what? - 48 comments
- 07:40 pm allywonderland Update to PICC freaked cashier - 73 comments
- 09:16 pm marveen Misinformation + Bad Attitude=Bad Service - 4 comments
- 9th
- 10:21 am starsorstreet Quit messing up my caffeine fix - 12 comments
- 11:31 am lilmizzaniml (no subject) - 28 comments
- 02:19 pm nella580 Wal-Mart - 25 comments
- 04:08 pm ducky01 Consistent bad service sucks...consistently - 20 comments
- 04:09 pm sinthe Witnessed bad_service that really pissed me off. - 11 comments
- 05:53 pm clevernamehuh hello, how can i piss you off today? - 11 comments
- 06:14 pm aspencreek Texas Roadhouse can bite me - 11 comments
- 10:33 pm injustifiiable MegaBus SUCK... - 27 comments
- 11:55 pm scribbledaway Walgreens truly makes incompetence an art form. - 37 comments
- 10th
- 10:43 am scribbledaway Walgreens excuses...er explaination. - 113 comments
- 01:14 pm ducky01 Update on the pizza problem... - 15 comments
- 11th
- 11:42 am aeolian_harp We are prepared for any emergency that could come our way - 32 comments
- 11:48 am ex_modest195 Bad_service or...fraud? - 6 comments
- 12th
- 02:15 pm purpledice (no subject) - 41 comments
- 03:48 pm firstborndragon Bad service turns theift - 115 comments
06:12 pm duckay
(no subject) - 27 comments
- 13th
- 12:50 pm nathan_dorian Irritating Service. - 43 comments
- 04:19 pm mordant virgin post. joined to post this. - 26 comments
- 04:19 pm scribbledaway snotty little twirp at whole foods - 59 comments
- 07:10 pm everanddespair (no subject) - 29 comments
- 14th
- 12:00 pm lorelei633 wtf lady - 47 comments
- 08:21 pm kitchenqueen I should have seen it coming when they spelled my name wrong. - 12 comments
- 15th
- 07:29 pm rainshowers Newspapers - 23 comments
- 16th
- 04:44 pm childlight Since everyone else is doing it - 14 comments
- 05:12 pm joyfulchaos car rental woes - 61 comments
- 17th
- 08:36 pm sarabear19 (no subject) - 87 comments
- 19th
- 12:21 am satansonion Bank of America suck? Shocking - 35 comments
- 01:40 pm elendriel (no subject) - 23 comments
- 20th
- 12:56 am xibalbaprincess (no subject) - 93 comments
- 05:30 am douri___ Okay, paypal... seriously... - 15 comments
- 11:51 am ali_kat_42 Genghis Grill - 17 comments
- 02:46 pm arabgirl I don't like your religion and will tell you so - 87 comments
- 21st
- 01:55 am only_frodo Post Office - 417 comments
- 22nd
- 12:37 am scribbledaway The single most bizarre retail experience I've ever had. - 47 comments
- 01:58 pm natsukaze Best Buy and McDonald's two-for-one suckage - 80 comments
- 06:31 pm clair_brodie Walgreen sucks (and I am not even a customer) - 77 comments
- 23rd
- 12:42 pm starsorstreet Hotels.com/.ca I HATE you - 7 comments
- 05:18 pm layered (no subject) - 58 comments
- 07:29 pm catchingspirit Washing Machine Debacle - END! - 4 comments
- 24th
- 03:25 pm nimblenimbus jadeddreads.com - 19 comments
- 26th
- 11:42 pm greatestofthese (no subject) - 39 comments
- 27th
- 03:41 am there_she_went (no subject) - 20 comments
- 09:59 am allywonderland (no subject) - 9 comments
- 02:39 pm paisley80 Leg waxing - 31 comments
- 09:32 pm deistarchocokat Bad Drive Thru! - 30 comments
- 29th
- 06:16 pm severedscythe Doctors and nurses and morons, oh my! - 51 comments
- 06:35 pm tenshinofushigi Really minor, but still weird - 139 comments
- 07:22 pm desikitteh twin pharmacists? o_0 - 10 comments
- 10:54 pm clevernamehuh FU @ Funkin' Gonuts. - 56 comments
- 30th
- 11:45 am celothae Nelnet Student Loan company - 10 comments
10:06 pm cschick
Argh credits . . . Snapfish, and Dell - 6 comments
- 31st
- 08:08 pm santabutt i hate misleading advertisements - 95 comments