recap: Boss deleted some invoices by mistake, so financial lady asked for a resend. Took them 3 weeks to resend (mean while, we paid the others in full) and UPS shut off our account. Later, they blamed us for not applying payment "soon enough" because we mailed in a check AND had them charge the card.
Update: We got a call earlier this week saying "Uhm...we have a cc payment from you, and a check for the exact same amount. What's that about?" So we explained, and the woman applied it as a credit towards our account.
recap: Hail storm destroyed our tin roof back in June. Contractors agreed to fix in one day, after 9am during the week. Finally showed up 4 months later at 6:45 am on a Saturday. We were told they wouldn't finish Saturday, wouldn't work Sunday, and would finish Monday.
Update: They finished today. But, they didn't take a magnet to the yard as promised to pick up the excess nails and whatnot. They ripped siding off out front where the roof becomes two levels, and only came back today to fix it. We provided the siding for them, and they were more than obviously annoyed they had to come back again. They took a leaf blower yesterday to the perimeter of the house and the nails and such all ended up in the grass, where they are well hidden. We're working on getting them to come back with the magnet to get all this crap up. I also found a huge piece of scrap metal with jagged edges from the gutters out back too.
My company
recap: Sales guy/assembly guy was on vacation this week. He filled the assembly orders as best he could before leaving and ran out of parts. Boss told him which parts to order, and he did. Turns out they were the wrong parts so we had to wait for them to come in. Boss is also incredibly lazy when it comes to actual work. He likes to sit in his big cushy chair upstairs and just watch the world go by or something. It was his responsibility to complete these orders (which, he would've had to do most of them anyway even without running out of parts) and he failed at it.
update: Customer called in repeatidly all week, and all I could offer her was more apologies. I notified Boss every time she called, and gave him reminders to call every hour or so. He actually did assemble about 5 more hoses for this customer and shipped them out overnight on the customer's UPS account (well, the financial lady fixed this so that we would pay the shipping since she and I agreed that was a good thing to do: cover the rushed shipping since it was our mistake). Her order is no where near complete but she's at least satisfied that he actually made some hoses this week. HOPEFULLY the sales/assembly guy is coming back next week (though the way Boss treats him I wouldn't be surprised if he finds a new job and goes there) and he'll finish the remainder of the orders.
And in a new suck from our company: Boss decided to play musical chairs with our outgoing packages yesterday (this is only a tiny percentage of the co_workers_suck involved in that) and sent all the wrong parts to all the wrong people. He then proceded to talk to the customers like they were idiots when they complained they got the wrong parts.
ETA: Thanks to derumi, linkage in the comments.