I am a bit of a sucker for sparkles and glitter and almost dragged him in there. It must have just opened this week as they were still setting up things in there. It was empty apart from the staff and us and we went for a mooch amongst the decorations. I know what I want and to be honest pretty as much of it was very little of it was to my taste.
I was looking at some jingles (my word for ringing bell decorations) that were almost perfect and I was actually contemplating buying them as they were really cheap when I heard a tapping behind me. It was a foot tapping and it belonged to a man who I can only surmise to be the manager/boss. He was glaring at us with his arms folded across his chest and as I looked over he did that "I'm not looking at you" head turn. I told my husband we were leaving and made a beeline for the exit while muttering quite loudly about people tapping their feet at customers. Buggered if I am going back there again.
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