tayikhata (tayikhata) wrote in bad_service,

I had arranged for a technician to come and service our furnace and a/c system; just a routine service appointment to keep it all clean and working.  Messed-up furnace in northern New York is a Bad Thing (TM).

So, anyway, the day of the appointment arrives.  I work from home, but my office is at the far side of the house from the door.  No big deal - I can generally hear when somebody climbs the porch steps, and definitely hear the doorbell or a knock on the door.  So I'm not too worried about missing the appointment... that is, until I realize the appointment window (8-12) was well past (it's now 1:00 p.m.)

I called the office and was told that "since we weren't home, the technician had left."  I asked why the tech thought we weren't home - apparently it's because he spent a half-hour sitting in his truck in our driveway (just outside the view of the windows at the other side of the house from where I work) and nobody had let him in.  I never thought I'd have to explain the concept of a doorbell to a full-grown adult in the service industry... 

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