last week, he was charged four (4) overdraft fees of $37.50 each for NO REASON. none. he had no pending transactions, and a positive balance. then bam bam bam bam. this brought his account negative.
so he calls asking why he was charged overdrafts on a positive balance. durrr, they dunno lulz. so they agree to reverse the charges "as a one time courtesy"!!!! gee thanks, how courteous of you.
last saturday he deposited his state tax rebate check.
then yesterday, 2 more overdraft fees! they took almost a week to reverse the first round of fees, then put a 3 day hold on his tax check. (ok, i am a teller and wtf are they smoking putting a 3 day hold on a government check?!?) so in the meantime, 2 debit card purchases for less than $10 each hit his account. shouldn't have been a problem since he had the money, right? nope. those transactions are what they charged the overdrafts for.
so he has been charged $225 in overdraft fees when he has never spend more money than he had in the account! and they refuse to reverse the last 2 charges because they already reversed the ones that shouldn't even have been there to begin with!
so i'm going with him to dispute this whole thing with a manager because i know a lot more about this than he does, being as these processes are what i do for a living >_< this is why i will never have a bank account, only credit union accounts. big banks just want to please their stockholders, credit unions want to please their shareholders (aka members!).