We went and asked for assitance on getting someone to help cut the wood. We were told to bring the wood and "get it all ready" and someone will come. This was around 4:10 on a Saturday. We got the wood and dragged it over to the cutting area, it was 4:14 since my sister called, no one came so we pushed the button for assitance. We waited, I listened to two songs on my ipod, so we're clocking in around 4:23 for help. No one comes. I spy way down the aisel where the check out lanes, a older male watching us. Me and him, we make eye contact and figure, should I make the move or him?
I text a bit, it's 4:31, my Mom gets annoyed that I'm not making the move and just giving the man at the check out counter the eye, so I walk over, and tell him exactly this: "I don't know how it works here, but we were waiting for awhile and have had a few people tell us they were coming so ----" I get cut off, this man gets on the phone and waves me away.
I walk back to my Mother and insist that we leave, since this is clearly 'daddy stuff' and no one is going to help us. I clock in at 4:38, the man at the counter gives me the eye and I sit and angst at how odd it'd be if we cut the stuff ourselves since it clearly shows that the area and it's control box are unlocked, the lock is on the control box, but it's undone.
At 4:41 (!!!!) Some poor soul comes and attempts to cut our wood. It takes him four tries, and he tells us the guy who knows how to use the machine called in sick and overall they are short handed. He's Manuel or something, he clearly has a desk job, since another lady who asks for some help gets annoyed when he focus on us and she raises her voice and wants the attention, but it's like, LADY? Back off, I waited 30+ minutes for someone to acknowledge my existence at Lowe's. THIS IS MY TIME. Ahaha. So anyway, we get our wood and the guy is cool, talks a lot, doesn't know how to use the machine but he tries. It's the lame-o at the check out counter, who I WISH got his name, that sucked. Don't cut me off, don't roll your eyes and don't give me bedroom eyes...