Jantra (jantra) wrote in bad_service,

A follow up to THIS POST about bad service from Joanns.com:

I was told that I would receive a refund for the price of shipping plus the 1/8 of a yard that they didn't have, and they overnighted my fabric. I received a tracking number which does show they over nighted it, but my bank account still has no refund.

Let's see how this 'promise' goes. At least they tried to make right.

Edit: WHOA. Things have changed a lot in the last few hours!

I have not only gotten a call from the Joanns.com team, but an email! The call came from them and not only would they be refunding my money for shipping, but they are giving me a $10.00 gift card. I am ... amazed. I've never seen a company go so far out of their way to make sure I was happy. They did indeed overnight my fabric, even if it ended up on my neighbors doorstep instead of mine.

I ALSO got an email!!!

Good Afternoon Jantra:

My name is Leigh-Anne, and I am with the Joann.com team. I handle non-merchandise content on the site (all the fun, free projects) as well as web outreach. I am the one who spotted your message on LJ and brought it to the attention customer service.

If you do not see the refund credited within 5 to 7 days (accounting for the weekend and typical banking/credit card company hoopla), please let me know, and I'll follow up again with our customer service team to ensure everything is put through.

Thank you!
Leigh-Anne (removed her last name)

The email might have led to the phone call, or they could be seperate... well, Leigh-Anne, I am posting this to let everyone know the Joanns.com team has been trying hard to make up for their brief bad_service!

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