a little backstory... neither my husband or i have the greatest credit - chalk it up to being young & stupid, and of course we regret it now.…
Kia Motors: The Reason I Joined
Newbie here, jumping right in with the worst customer service story I could ever imagine, and it happened to me. I have a leased Saturn Ion, which…
Car dealers!!! UGH!!!
Recently as I've posted here, I had a rear end accident. The lady admitted fault and her insurance paid quite promptly. We received about $2000. and…
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a little backstory... neither my husband or i have the greatest credit - chalk it up to being young & stupid, and of course we regret it now.…
Kia Motors: The Reason I Joined
Newbie here, jumping right in with the worst customer service story I could ever imagine, and it happened to me. I have a leased Saturn Ion, which…
Car dealers!!! UGH!!!
Recently as I've posted here, I had a rear end accident. The lady admitted fault and her insurance paid quite promptly. We received about $2000. and…