mcfly85 (mcfly85) wrote in bad_service,


I'm wondering if the members of this comm can offer me some advice on something that happened to me this morning. Trying to decide if I should do something about this....

Just to be clear, the following is maybe 'peripheral' bad_service? It wasn't 'witnessed' bad_service because this actually happened to me personally. On to the specifics:

I was driving to work this morning through my area's typically-irritating morning rush hour traffic. As I was driving on a narrow road between a strip mall and an apartment complex, a delivery truck was coming toward me in the oncoming lane. He wanted to turn left onto the service drive that I was currently sitting in front of in the bumper-to-bumper traffic. Now, if there'd been room either in front of or behind me that he could have manuevered, I would happily have pulled either ahead or back to give him access to the driveway. But I was completely boxed in by other cars. There was nowhere - even another lane - I could have moved, until the light about a block ahead changed to green. So yes, the gridlock sucks a little bit for him because now he has to sit and wait to make his left turn until the traffic light behind him changes...yeah, traffic sucks for everyone.

Anyway, I'm sitting there waiting for the light to turn, and suddenly his front end is inches away from my driver's side door. As though he's trying to turn into the driveway like I'm not there. Then he started screaming at me. And literally, not exaggerating here, his diatribe was essentially, "get out of my fucking way you fucking bitch/cunt...etc" It was really loud. I could hear him with my window rolled up, and I know the kids waiting for the school bus on the other side of the street could hear him. I was kind of stunned (and more than a little afraid he was going to hit my car), so maybe this wasn't the best way to respond, but I rolled my window down and told him to lower his voice - those are the exact words I used - and that I'd move as soon as the light changed. More obscenities from him, including him calling me a "fucking stupid whore," which at that point made me laugh, because wtf, right?

Then the light turned (seriously, this altercation was probably five seconds total), and I pulled forward, he turned - the car behind me wisely stopped to let him - and he turned into the strip mall parking lot and I went on about my business. So I'm still a little in shock, maybe a little shaken, as I'm driving down the street, when it dawns on me that there's the potential for me to maybe do something about this. So I called the grocery store in the strip and spoke to an employee in the bakery. I asked her - feeling sillier by the moment that I was even doing this - to tell me the full name of the company for the truck (which I could fairly well describe) currently unloading behind the store. Right away, she asked me if I'd had an incident with the driver. When I said yes, she told me that he was an asshole (her word) and they'd been having all sorts of issues with him. Then she put me on hold and went out back to get the number of the truck for me. She gave me contact names and phone numbers for his company and said she hoped I'd call and complain.

Which of course leads to the big question - should I? Normally I'm so not someone who would do that - there are only a couple of very specific scenarios that would get me to complain to someone's supervisor. Technically, I'm not his customer. Although I am a frequent customer of the store he was delivering to and a resident of the neighborhood. Seriously, I'm the last person to judge the behavior of others usually, and I completely understand road rage and frustration. But I would never do something like that. And yes, if he'd been just some random motorist I wouldn't even be considering this a bad_service situation, but come on dude - how just, DUMB to you have to be not only to behave like that, but to do so clearly identifiable as an employee representing the company you work for?! Right?

ETA: Wow - thank you guys for the support and what is clearly the prevailing sentiment here. I know this may be an over-think, but I'm just really not a 'try to get someone in trouble'/'take it upon myself to pass judgment on other people' kind of person. I just don't operate that way. This situation clearly demands action, though, I agree with that. So...I just called the company and left a message for the guy's supervisor. So far, so good - it was their personal voicemail, and the name matched what the grocery worker gave me. I'll try to edit this again when I hear back, because now I'm wondering what the response will be....

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