ldykatrina (ldykatrina) wrote in bad_service,

Bad service is...

Duncan Donuts drive thur on a Saturday Morning (around 10AM)

Hubbins  orders
The voice in the box confirms but had the order wrong
Hubbins repeats order
The voice in the box confirms but had the order wrong...

Rinse and repeat about 6 more times. 

The order taker finally seemed to understand what we wanted and repeated it back correctly.
One bacon egg and cheese on a crossant
one ham egg and cheese on a crossant
one bacon egg and cheese on an everything bagel toasted
one medium Mocha Latte

We get to the window 
They open the window and asks us to repeat the order
We do
Hubbins pays
and we wait
and wait
and wait
we finally get the sandwiches
and we wait for my latte.
The counter person opens the window and says "  What you waiting for"
Husband says a medium Mocha latte
The guy sighs really loudly and askes us to wait longer.
We wait and I finally get my latte.
We get back on the road... its now about 10:25AM

The suck
The sandwiches were still wrong
and my Mocha Latte didnt have any chocolate.

Since the Duncan Donuts is off a highway and we were traveling and running late it wasnt worth the effort to go back.  We had left home at 730AM and just wanted to eat and keep going.  I did take down the complaint number and I may call but I doubt it would do any good so venting here instead.

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