Turn My Lips Blue (cocacola_sorrow) wrote in bad_service,
Turn My Lips Blue

To the Willows on Avon restaurant, Christchurch.

Isn't normally the practise to inform restaurant patrons that the carrot and ginger soup contains bacon? If not, then shouldn't it be the practise to inform your patrons that the carrot and ginger soup contains bacon? Or is the element of 'surprise' included as an added bonus?

No love from your pescetarian customer,

I should mention that the bacon in the soup was not bacon powder or stock but was actual pieces of bacon . Wouldn't that therefore make it carrot, ginger and bacon soup? And no, the menu did not have a vegetarian section. I agree, I probably should have asked instead of assuming but carrot and ginger soup? It sounded fairly innocuous and straight forward.

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