Sammy (libwitch) wrote in bad_service,

yeah, so much for contracts and so forth

My insurance was switching mail order pharmacies as of Jan 1, but until then, all 'scrips had to go through our old carrier, Caremark.

I went to my doctor Dec. 19, and when I was there he called in a new 'scrip on a expired refill to Caremark.

I have called Caremark 4 times since then, wondering where my pills where, since its for a daily diabetic drugs that I am out of, and each time the friendly rep assured me that they are on the way.

TODAY I received a letter in the mail dated FOR TOMORROW that said that "since the order was not filled or received by January 1, your order was cancelled."

The state contract with them clearly stated that as long as the order was received before January 1, they had to fill it.

When I called and used the reference number given on the bottom of the form they told me they had no record of it ever being shipped, and that it never even hit their system until Jan 4. They had no explaination for the THREE WEEK difference between the time it was called in and the time "it hit the system," considering they are supposed to start processing the orders within 24 hours of being received, much less why they kept telling me it had already been shipped.

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