At first, the only mechanic who was still at the shop tried to place the blame on her, saying they'd be happy to fix everything if she would pay for all the repairs. Uh, hell no. Mom claims she started reciting the owner's cell phone number, then asked the mechanic to call the number for her. Once he realized that my mom's on friendly enough terms with the owner to know his cell phone number by heart (they co-chair a church committee), he changed his tune rather quickly. He said they'd definitely cover all the cost of repairs and pay for her rental car.
Mom made sure to call the owner anyway and let him know what happened and why his shop was paying for her repairs out of pocket. He was horrified. When Mom went back to the shop yesterday to get her fully repaired car, there was a $25 gift certificate to a local bookstore in the glove compartment, and there was also a new mechanic in the garage. The owner had figured out which guy's negligence caused the damage and fired him. Good service on the part of the owner this time, but I have a feeling he only did all this because of his association with my mom. He hires so many lazy, lying, cheating jackasses that he probably doesn't care who he rips off as long as he doesn't have to look them in the face.