Kisara (kisarax) wrote in bad_service,


Do not buy from them.


They are a) Shit.
b) Horrible bastards when you try to cancel.
c) Thieves who take your money, and tell you boldface lies about when you can receive your money back.

In this situation. Tell your bank to block charges from them, its the only way you'll keep your money.

We (me and family) were going to use Vonage, decided not to because Time Warner gave us a fantastic deal with movies for a year. 8D

So we decided to cancel the service THE VERY day the box arrived. So we didn't even set up anything, and yet still was charged a disconnection fee for something we didn't even use.


Yeah, a simple 45 dollar disconnection fee went up to over a hundred dollars. Someone likes to hit the CHARGE BUTTON 5x over.
Oh, and its going to take 3-4 weeks before they can return the money?
I don't think so. *BBB*

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