Kimmy (sattyknight) wrote in bad_service,

If you're going to talk about people, then wait 'till they're out of hearing range or they left....

My friend had a pregnancy scare so she wanted to go get a at home test. So her, my other friend, and I went to Kroger around 10ish to go get one. We knew they were behind locked cases, but didn't know that the pharmacy was the one who had the keys and they already went home. So while my two friends were over by the case, I went up to the front and asked if anyone could open it. They explained the situation and literally as I turned my back I heard the cashier half talk half whisper, "I bet she needs a pregnancy test." I just turned around and stared, dumbfounded why they're blatantly assuming -I- need it. Plus, there's more in that cabinet besides tests like condoms, lube, and all that fun stuff. I don't even LOOK pregnant. I'm not fat or anything. I think it may be because of the way I dress. I like cute little skirts and thigh high socks. Just because I dress like a slut (I don't even think it's that bad) doesn't mean I am one. Fuck you Kroger people and keep your assumptions to yourself until I'm at least back at the case instead of at the moment I turn my back.


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