I looked through all of my mail and email again to make sure they didn't send me notifications. I have notifications telling me that starting September 1st my over the limit and late fees are going up, but nothing about my due date being changed. I called up and was really nice. I asked them to waive the fees since I was a good customer, have never paid late and have never gone over my limit. Nope. Can't do it. I asked why my due date was changed (and my next payment was due 8 days after the last one, which is really just unfair) and I was not notified. She said they mailed out notifications. I have a statement saying my due date is July 26th. I got one yesterday that says it's September 3rd. Nothing that states anything about August 3rd.
I am now applying for a credit card with my bank (with a much lower interest rate) and I am going to transfer them over and tell Capital One to go fuck themselves.