_otravez (_otravez) wrote in bad_service,

I need some advice.

My husband used to go to a therapist. His mom set up all of his appointments. He found out that his therapist told his mother what happened during the appointments. Understandably upset, he told his mother he wasn't going to any more appointments. For some reason, his mom kept scheduling appointments that my husband never went to, but has been charged for. We've gotten a lot of letters over more than a year now asking for one hundred and twenty dollars.

I don't exactly know what to do from here on. His mom won't pay for them, we can't just afford to fork over 120 bucks for appointments we never went to or asked for... I don't know how to go about this. Any advice?

edit: I should add, he was under 18 when these appointments were made. Does that make a difference?

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